Tim Lienhard presents "One Zero One"
Tim Lienhard has been working as a TV documentarist for 30 years, producing and directing more than seventy feature-documentaries and having won a number of prestigious awards. Sound Acts showcased "One Zero One: The Story of Cybersissy and Baybjane", a film that follows a portion of the lives of 33-year-old Maroccaine-German Mourad and 48-year-old Dutch Antoine, two drag-performers, who work on the meeting point between disability politics, Leigh Bowery-esque cabaret and club culture. Cybersissy is the drag persona of Antoine Timmermans who lives and works in Tilburg. He has worked for the famous "It"-club in Amsterdam, designed sets for five different children's theatre productions, before becoming a darling of the German club scene where he met Mourad. BayBjane is the persona of Mourad Z. who was physically disabled from birth and spent many years in German hospitals and special homes for disabled people, before becoming "the smallest drag queen of the world", to the adoration of fans in Ibiza and all over. The film was screened in Athens and was presented with Greek subtitles for the first time. Tim Lienhard was present and answered audience questions. |