Quimera Rosa
Quimera Rosa (Pink Chimera) was born in the postporn movement in Barcelona in 2008, and since then it's been in nomadic mode. They are especially interested in the articulations between art, science and technology, and their function in the production of subjectivities. QR is a lab that researches and experiments on the body, informed by transfeminist and postidentitary discourse, seeing bodies as a platform for public intervention. In their performances one can whitness a body / machine / environment hybrid resulting from the incorporation of electronic devices connected to the body by BDSM techniques and the use of the electrochemical properties of certain elements (water, quinine, salt …). Their work includes long periods of research / experimentation, generally during residences. In their performances, the production of subjectivity is the result of a prosthetic incorporation. In Sound Acts, QR presented the piece “Sexus 3, Part II: Rachael”, a performance that aims at escaping an endless list of binomial categories on which our identities areconstructed: man/woman, hetero/homo, human/machine, human/environment, touch/sound, reality/fiction, art/science, ability/disability, normal/abnormal, public/private...", as well as a BodyNoise and performance workshop at AMOQA.